Good sites are designed. Great sites evolve.

The secret to designing an amazing web site is to get rid of the idea that someday it will all be finished. All great web sites are works in progress, and are driven forward by people who are constantly searching for better ways to deliver the message, to improve how others see their vision.

As you begin to conceptualize the idea of a world-class web site, realize that the design phase will be ever ongoing. Indeed, the very nature of presenting content on the Internet is to take advantage of the fluidity, evanescence and flexibility of this particularly transient medium. Embrace the fact that everything about the site will be temporary and fleeting, and deliver your message so that it will make a lasting impression long after the browser is closed and the computer shut down.

E-xplore, e-xpand, e-xtend, e-mote... e-volve

The very best way to continue to push the limits is to explore...
to look around and think and dare to dream...
expand your self-imposed limits of what your site can be...
look for ways to connect to your visitors in new and exciting and novel ways....

and your visitors will return, eager for more.